Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yarnia. What a lovely mythical land. A land where yarn lives in abundance and a place where cats wouldn't dare tread. I dream of this lovely world, especially since I live in a world where cats hunt and destroy errant balls of yarn.

What becomes of the hunted balls? I've just strung them up on the Christmas tree. The two cats sat there underneath the glistening evergreen with eyes large and tails flicking. Watching and waiting will be the new game. Lets hope I win!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Light Saber Symphony

For years my mother has been a part of a local Symphony. Tonight was the first of this season's three performances and I went with my father and a friend to enjoy the music. Because the selection was from favorite movie soundtracks it came as no surprise that Star Wars was included. What was a surprise was the percussion section battling it out with light sabers in the middle of the piece.

After I had managed to suppress my laughter I began trying to regain composure when I loudly snorted. Goodbye dignity. Dad is a bit deaf now so he didn't hear, but my friend quickly inhailed with laughter and started choking horribly. She had been enjoying a life savor so between my tears of embarrassed laughter I was trying to see if her gasping breath was due to the hard candy or saliva in the wind pipe. It was the latter, and thank God because the guy in the seat next to her was about to maul her into a Heimlich.

I'm chalking this one up to a story that will be told again and again. One that will further define my little niche.